
        紫錐花的萃取物Echinacea Purpurea 或Echinacea Root近年來風行於歐洲及北美其來源是印地安人治療的一種傳統草藥,當人牙痛,或受風寒後,傳統印地安人將此植物服用,據說有治療的效果。越來越多的試驗顯示,紫錐花可以增進組織癒合、維持結締組織結構、可對抗細菌及病毒的感染,實驗並證實可以使CD4細胞增殖。(1996 Source: 1996 Natural Health Handbook from theeditors of "Natural Health")此外Echinacea 亦有促進T-cell的 mitogenesis,巨噬細胞的吞噬能力(the engulfment and destruction of bacteria or vuruses),抗體的結合,和殺手細胞的活力 natural killer cell activity,此外可增加血液循環中的neutrophil量,最新研究Echinacea Root甚至對病毒有干擾作用。 


        波蘭學者Bany J,Siwicki AK等利用小鼠做實驗,在小鼠人工感染 Pseudomonas aeruginosa中給予Echinacea,實驗組明顯在肝臟檢體中減低了感染數目並且證明給予Echinacea可以stimulation of granulocytes chemiluminescent and lymphocytes proliferative response.。
        德國學者BodinetC等 在鼠人工感染Influenza typeA 前後口服給予Echinacea結果對於實驗鼠之存活率、存活時間、肺臟病變、及病毒分離的結果、都具有明顯的差異性。當然也有許多實驗並不支持這個結果,例如Hermann JR等學者在離乳豬的實驗中人工感染PRRSV在感染前後添加Echinacea Purpurea的實驗中,並無明顯的效益。

        文獻中筆者只發現一篇關於犬呼吸道疾病和使用Echinacea Purpurea的臨床成效統計,曾有41隻患有咽喉炎、扁桃腺炎、氣管炎或canine cough的患犬,在使用Echinacea purpurea 後一週竟有92%的患犬症狀較為改善,包含眼鼻分泌物,淋巴腫脹,乾咳,或肺音,皆因為使用Echinacea Purpurea 而出現明顯改善效果。

        紫錐花(Echinacea Purpurea)對於犬瘟熱的治療

在於免疫提升的前提下,Echinacea Root應該是獸醫師治療CD或其他病毒或細菌疾病的另一種選擇,台灣已有數位獸醫師使用Echinacea Root或Echinacea Purpurea,其成效如何,應待進一步研究,據了解獸醫師常用的品牌為GNC Echinacea Purpurea 300mg,可惜國內GNC店舖未將紫錐花產品進口台灣,需要請友人帶進台灣,常使用的劑量為15-25mg/kg bid服用1週為限。 


1..1996 Natural Health Handbook from theeditors of "Natural Health")
2.Compensatory reactions of immune system and action of Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench) preparations]

3.Efficacy of a standardized echinacea preparation (Echinilin) for the treatment of the common cold: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Goel V, Lovlin R, Barton R, Lyon MR, Bauer R, Lee TD, Basu TK.
4.Echinacea purpurea stimulates cellular immunity and anti-bacterial defence independently of the strain of mice.
Bany J, Siwicki AK, Zdanowska D, Sokolnicka I, Skopinska-Rozewska E, Kowalczyk M.
5.Effect of dietary Echinacea purpurea on viremia and performance in porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus-infected nursery pigs.
Hermann JR, Honeyman MS, Zimmerman JJ, Thacker BJ, Holden PJ, Chang CC.
6.Echinacea powder: treatment for canine chronic and seasonal upper respiratory tract infections.
Reichling J, Fitzi J, Furst-Jucker J, Bucher S, Saller R.
7.Effect of an orally applied herbal immunomodulator on cytokine induction and antibody response in normal and immunosuppressed mice.
Bodinet C, Lindequist U, Teuscher E, Freudenstein J.
8..Effect of oral application of an immunomodulating plant extract on Influenza virus type A infection in mice.
Bodinet C, Mentel R, Wegner U, Lindequist U, Teuscher E, Freudenstein J